Tuesday, 21 June 2011

How to become a professional Mobile DJ

Do you love playing music for people? Would you love to entertain people with music at various events like weddings, birthdays, dance parties etc and make this as your profession? If you answered yes to both the questions then you are ready to become a Mobile DJ. A Mobile DJ tours with all his equipment and has a collection of music which he plays to entertain his clients. He is a freelancer who works alone or teams up with a company that hires freelancers for events.

There are some things you need to keep in mind to become a professional mobile DJ.

1) When you are hired to play for an event as a Mobile DJ, you need to do thorough research about the type of music expected at the event.

2) You need to check with the client for his taste in music and select music as per the client’s choice.

3) It is important to find out the details of the party for which you have to perform. Ask for details about the party such as the occasion, the type of guests expected and if there is a theme for the party.

4) You need to learn to understand the mood of the party and find the pulse so that it becomes easy for you to tweak the music to make the guests appreciate the music.

5) At every party the Mobile DJ is expected to make announcements. It is advisable not to abruptly interrupt the flow of music and ruin the momentum and atmosphere of the party. It would be professional to slowly reduce the speed and volume of the music before you make the announcement.

6) Punctuality is a virtue that every professional mobile DJ should make part of their routine. Be punctual so that you reach the venue on time and have sufficient time to set up your instruments and get ready before the party. Reaching the venue early will avoid rushing when preparing for a gig.

7) A mobile DJ needs to categorise his music. Categorising the music will help you when you are in the middle of a party and have to quickly retrieve whatever you need without getting hassled.

8) Once the gig is over, a mobile DJ should ask for feedback about his services from the client. Positive feedbacks can be collected as testimonials for your website. Other feedback will be able to help you know about your problem areas so that you can work on them to improve your services.

9) A professional mobile DJ will provide the client with references when the client asks for them. He should also provide samples of his performance and provide links for online videos of his previous performances.

Please visit us more information at http://www.visualdj.co.uk/events_clubnights.php or email by max@penguins.co.uk

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